About Me

Hey there! I am Isabella, the founder, editor, and main writer of this site. I am Italian by birth, Mexican in my heart, and a nomad by nature. And most of all I am a solo traveler by default. I love planning and organizing my own trips and traveling on my own and, although at times it feels lonely, I wouldn’t have it in any other ways.

I actually dread the moment when family and friends ask me “can I join you?” or “let’s go somewhere together”… ehmmmmm

I love them dearly, but when I travel, I am happier on my own! In this blog, I will help you discover the beauty of traveling solo as a female, how to do it safely, and many more tips.

Traveling has not only been my passion from an early age but also my lifestyle. I have traveled to many beautiful places for work while I was employed by different travel companies.

I had the time of my life but only at 45 did I start to live my ultimate dream, which is working while I travel and traveling while I work.

In 2017, I left my Cancun-based corporate job to start a new adventure on the road, with many dreams, a camera, and a big suitcase (or two).

I was aware that it was a risky road to take but I was also thrilled that I was choosing love instead of fear.

Before then, I had already been living in different countries: Mexico, Egypt, Jamaica, Seychelles, Antigua, Greece, and Antigua (again) while working as a tourist assistant and hotel manager, and then Mexico again.

Finally, I was in Cancun, which has been my sweet home for more than 7 years where I have been happily working in a travel company.

I had an amazing job that allowed me to switch between office work from 8 to 7 and travel around the Caribbean Islands. How dope is that? I couldn’t believe it myself. And I didn’t even look for this job. It just appeared thanks to a very kind friend.

I enjoyed my time in the corporate business, but it did not nurture my soul. I needed to break free, see the world, and use my time on my own terms. This is how Boundless Roads was conceived and what gave me the courage to leave everything behind and start a new life.

I have also been cultivating my passion for photography and I am sharing all my pictures and videos on this blog, and on my brand-new YouTube Channel. Now I also have my pictures for sale in my new Photography website

How do I travel?

  • I have been in love with photography for such a long time but since I am not a very good student, I am still struggling at it. However, I never travel without a camera and the majority of the pictures you see on this site are mine. I also take videos with my phone and drone.
  • I love to travel slowly and not with a precise plan. I choose a destination and a general plan and then decide what to do along the road and let the place surprise me.
  • Road trips are my gem. I love to rent a car and explore at my own pace. This is why you will find a lot of itinerary and car rental tips in my blog. Because I am a fan and I want to share my experience you can do it too.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, and leading to the most amazing view… where something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder thank your deepest dreams waits for you.”


My Daily Travel Blog To Inspire And
Get You Motivated!​

What is Solo Nomad Journeys about

This blog is the result of a long-lasting evolution and revolution that hasn’t ended yet and I believe it never will.

I started writing it in 2016 before leaving my corporate job (in 2017) and setting off on my travel adventure. It was supposed to last 2 years and fast forward 6 years I am still on the road and I have no intention to settle anywhere.

When I started this adventure I had a totally different mindset, the one of a 16-year-old ready to conquer the world. Too bad I was already 45 and now, after 6 years on the road I realize how little I knew about myself.

I was ready to sleep in a tent or, even worse, in a dorm room with other 10 people around me. Or to do volunteer work and give my time in exchange for a meal and a bed. I absolutely can’t do that! I love comfort and privacy, and when I can, luxury.

I wanted to climb all the mountains of South America and I just realized how hard it is for me to walk in the altitude so much that I cannot keep up with the group, so I have to take a private guide and other similar situations that you will find along with the stories in this blog.

So, now that I have made up my mind and have a clear picture of who I am and where I want to be, I can tell you what my blog is and will be about and to whom it is addressed.

I realized that backpacking is not my style but if you are looking for adventure, this is definitely your place. 

I am writing about travel, of course, but from the perspective of a clumsy, and yet well-traveled 40-something years old, who is still finding her way home but never gives up on becoming who she is.

The majority of my posts come in the form of guides because I really want to help you craft your own itineraries. However, you will find a lot of personal notes and comments which are meant to keep you entertained.

I love to rent cars and drive around and discover beautiful hidden places and that’s why I always promote car rental and recommend driving, even in Mexico, yes!

And if I can be a kind of inspiration, well that means that I reach my ultimate goal. So if you let me know I will be grateful forever.

Enjoy the reading and enjoy your own journey!

my pictute at el chiflon chiapas
Countries Visited
Days Traveling
Shots Taken
Friends Met

Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can’t begin to explore your possibilities.


We have been mentioned in the following Websites

I have included also links that mention my other sites for the sake of accuracy.




Solo Nomad Journeys Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

I write this blog from my personal experience and when I don’t know about a destination I hire local writers to share their experience so that you can get insider tips for the destination.

I pour my heart and soul into what I do and, most importantly, whatever you read and see, comes straight from my hand and when I hire collaborators, their names will appear as the authors.  

When we write on a topic based on research versus personal experience we disclose that.

The content of this blog will reflect who I am and what I do, a woman in her 50s who decided to live her life the way she wanted, embracing her ups and downs, her struggle and her joy, her fear of death, and her love for life. 

I aim to give information about hotels, destinations, things to do, and what to see, with a focus on responsible travel, adventure, and culture.

What you won’t see here is an invitation to experience man-made-money-making attractions that are exploiting nature and people just for the sake of money ( like swimming with the dolphin experiences for example). Please don’t do that!). 

I will also provide you with insights as to what I believe to be the best luxury boutique hotels, or if not luxury, very special, always based on my experience and taste.

As you will see  I am particularly fond of luxury hotels and resorts, I appreciate the architecture, the attention to detail, the exclusive attentive service, and the fabulous, unforgettable experience they provide. And you will see a lot of that if you stick around.

Thanks to my previous job I have been staying in many luxury hotels in the Caribbean Islands and I know 80% of the hotels in the area, which is why I wrote a lot of guides about hotels and luxury stays.

But I will also talk about affordable and cozy accommodations and I will provide links where you can directly book your stay with just a click.  

When I want to talk about something that I haven’t been to yet, I will call out for help and bring in some other travel writers who are experts in the area.

This is why you can rest assured that the information we share on this site is always accurate and you can trust us.

Of course, it is difficult to keep up with all the changes and if something is not up to date, please forgive us. And we would also appreciate if you could let us know.

Although we strive to be perfect we are not.

We want to create a travel community that helps each other out, so feel free to interact in the comment section if you think you have useful additional information.

The places I have traveled to


Not only Italy is my birthplace but I have been traveling extensively around my country and I will share my views on Italian culture and the best places to visit in this blog.


I have been in the Azores and fell in love. I will go back in a few months to see what I have missed the first time and keep writing solo traveler guides!


I have been in London like a thousand times and I also worked and study when I was a teen ager. I love it and keep going back. That’s why I wrote a beginner guide to the city and other useful information. I am exploring scotland as I am writing this I am in Glasgow, heading to the Isle of Skye.

I lived in Edinburgh for 2 months and I will be going back this summer and on a road trip throughout the islands. I have also been to the spectacular Liverpool and the Isle of Man, a very interesting place for its history and natural beauty.

Northern Irland is also a great place to visit. I have been driving the Giant Causeway and I will tell you how to do it too.


I have been in Ireland twice for two months in total. I have visited almost all counties but I will soon go back to visit what I have been missing. I drove around the emerald island by myself and fell in love with it and I am slowly writing about it.


Where do I start? Norway is my new obession right now. I have been to Tromsø to swim with the killer whales and fell in love with the spectacular landscapes, their cute houses and the wildlife.


I have only been to Paris and fell in love again. So I am going to go back for sure.


Spain is a spectacular country with delicious food and historical towns. I’ve been to Madrid, Malaga and Grenada but I am planning to go back and see more.


I have been to Arusha as a volunteer, exploring Selous park and climbing the Kilimanjaro. An amazing experience that I talk about in my detailed post.


Mexico is my second home, or maybe first. I have been living there since 2010 and although I am now traveling all the time, Mexico is the place I go back to, and that I call home. I traveled throughout Mexico for about 9 months and I lived in La Paz, Baja California Sur for a few months, multiple times. I started a new site about Mexico where I talk in detailed about all the places I traveled and share detailed tips.


I traveled to Guatemala twice and lived in Antigua for a year in total. But I have also explored the country quite extensively.


I have been in Colombia for three weeks on a vacation while I was working at a corporate job in Cancun. From Medellin to Cartagena, the trek to La Ciudad Perdida and Bogota’, I love the country and I can’t wait to go back.


Ecuador has been a great surprise. I traveled to the Galapagos islands for three weeks and then lived in Quito for a month and explore the surroundings, including the beautiful Mindo, then Baños, Guayaquil, Cuenca and Villacabamba. I also can’t wait to go back.


I have been to Peru twice and love it. Cusco is my favorite town, but there is much more to discover. I went to Huaraz, Lima and Puno. More about it on this site.


I have traveled multiple times to the US, especially New York City, where I have been countless times, then Washington, Philadelphia, and I went on a road trip in California, Utah, Arizona and Nevada. I have been to Palm Springs and hiked in the Joshua Tree National Park.

📍Caribbean Islands

I lived in Jamaica, and Antigua, for two years each, and I have traveled to almost all the other islands for work where I had to visit and inspect all the hotels. So I am kind of a hotel wizard when it comes to the Caribbean, that’s why I wrote many posts where I suggest the best places to stay in each Island.


I lived in the Seychelles for a full year, on Praslin Island, but I didn’t write about it because it was long time ago, but it was an amazing experience.

Follow us on Social Media


Many people ask me how I make money with the blog. It’s very simple. Through the ads that you are looking at while reading an article (I hope they are not too annoying), through affiliation links, and from the guides I am selling.

How do affiliation links work? every time you buy a product I talk about and link to on this site, or you book a service, I get a small commission from the seller at zero cost for you.

This way allows me to keep all this massive content free for the reader while I can support this blog maintenance and all the resources I need to keep it active.

If you want to know more about Blogging you can read my posts on my blogging resources and on the blogging mistakes that you should avoid.

I will write a full post about it but the short answer is no, I don’t. I love being on my own and I am very busy building my blogging business and learning photography, reading, and of course exploring. Also, I love a good comedy show! I have friends all over the world and when I feel like chatting I get in touch. And they do the same with me. I am very jealous of my space and time.

I decide on where to go based on what I want to write about or if there is a specific place I want to go at a specific time of the year to watch and photograph wildlife. I usually book last minute if it’s not high season, and unless I know for a fact, I am not going to change plans. Here below, I am leaving my go-to site for booking tours, flights hotels, and of course, Insurance (very important)

Yes, sometimes I get the so-called travel burnout. This is why I usually travel slowly staying in a place for at least two weeks or more. This way I can have a balanced life and giggle between working at my laptop and exploring, eating well, and exercising. I will definitely write a more detailed post on this topic.